

Publications in English

Journal Articles

2 Yang, J. (2024). “Personal Autonomy in Memory Modification Technology: A Critical Assessment”, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 11: 1225. (SSCI)
1 Yang, J. (2024). “Ethical Issues in Memory Modification Technology: A Scoping Review”, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 22(2). (SSCI)

Book Reviews

4 Yang, J. (2023). “Review of Matthew Cobb, The Genetic Age: Our Perilous Quest to Edit Life”, Science & Technology Studies, 36(4): 93-94. (SSCI)
3 Yang, J. (2023). “Review of Ningning Dong, Animal Classification in Central China. From the Late Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age”, Anthropos, 118(2): 609-610. (SSCI)
2 Yang, J. (2023). “Review of Xiaoping Fang, China and the Cholera Pandemic: Restructuring Society under Mao”, Social History of Medicine, 36(3): 562-563. (SSCI)
1 Yang, J. (2022). “Review of Mie Nakachi, Replace the Dead: The Politics of Reproduction in the Postwar Soviet Union”, Medical History, 66(3): 281-282. (SSCI)

Publications in Chinese

Journal Articles

5 杨军洁. (2024). “模式生物的科学表征问题”,《自然辩证法通讯》, 46(11): 38-46. (CSSCI期刊)
Yang, J. (2024). “Scientific Representation Problem of Model Organisms”, Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 46(11): 38-46. (CSSCI)
4 杨军洁. (2024). “在药品与毒品之间:近代中国的安眠药问题”, 《文化研究》, 54(1). (CSSCI集刊)
Yang, J. (2024). “Between Medicines and Drugs: The Sleeping Pills Problem in Modern China”, Cultural Studies, 52(1). (CSSCI)
3 杨军洁. (2024). “目的论语义学可以解决指称的qua问题吗?”,《科学技术哲学研究》, 41(4): 72-78. (CSSCI期刊)
Yang, J. (2024). “Can Teleosemantics Solve the Qua Problem of Reference?”, Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology, 41(4): 72-78. (CSSCI)
2 杨军洁. (2023). “实用的自然类可以承诺实在吗?”,《科学技术哲学研究》, 40(2): 30-36. (CSSCI期刊)(人大复印资料《科学技术哲学》2023年第7期全文转载。)
Yang, J. (2023). “Can Pragmatic Natural Kinds Commit Reality?”, Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology, 40(2): 30-36. (CSSCI) (Full text reprinted by China Social Science Excellence in Philosophy of Science and Technology, 2023, 7.)
1 杨军洁, 周程. “医学人工智能的算法黑箱问题:伦理挑战与化解进路”,《科学通报》, 68(13): 1604-1610. (EI期刊)
Yang, J., and Zhou C. (2023). “Algorithmic black-box problem in medical artificial intelligence: Ethical challenges and solution approach”, Scientific Bulletin, 68(13): 1604-1610. (EI)

Translated Works

1 洛塔·博里·斯克格隆. 看见她们——ADHD女性的困境. 杨军洁 译. 北京: 华夏出版社, 2024年.
Skoglund, L. B. (2024). ADHD girls to women: getting on the radar , Chinese Edition (J. Yang, Trans.). Huaxia Publishing House.



Conferences and Workshops (selected)

2 Yang, J. (2023) “Sleeping Pill Problems in Modern China,” Panel: Interdisciplinary Explorations of Medicine in China, 2023 4S Meeting, Honolulu, Nov. 2023.
1 Yang, J. (2023) “Personal Autonomy Problem in Memory Modification Techniques,” Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Forum on Contemporary Technological Ethics, Nanjing, Aug. 2023. (The Grant Prize Awarded.)

Work in Progress

An article on the ethics of memory erasure An article on medical ethics in modern China An article on animal ethics in modern China An article on the public health ethics